1、nginx 默认的error_log 格式
2、centos7 系统
3、通过设置 /etc/mail.rc 来发报警邮件,设置示例
# Set smtp server of alert set bsdcompat set from=opsbot@example.com set smtp=smtp.example.com set smtp-auth-user=opsbot@example.com set smtp-auth-password="password" set smtp-auth=login
#!/bin/sh ## configuration ## nginx error_log error_log=/var/log/nginx/error.log temp_file=/tmp/nginx.temp reciever="user@example.com user2@example.com" check_everything() { if [ ! -f "$error_log" ] ; then echo "error_log not exist." && exit fi if [ ! -f "$temp_file" ] ; then touch $temp_file fi if [ ! -n "$reciever" ] ; then echo "reviever not exist, please set." && exit fi } ## if $1 not exist,default minutes is from 00:00 to now get_minutes() { cur_time=`date +%H:%M:%S` if [ $1 ] ; then minute=$1 if [ "$minute" -le "9999" -a "$minute" -ge "1" ] ; then ago_time=`date -d "$minute minutes ago" +%H:%M:%S` fi else hour_minutes=$(expr `date +%H` \* 60) minutes=$(expr $hour_minutes + `date +%M`) ago_time=`date -d "$minutes minutes ago" +%H:%M:%S` fi } get_error_upstream() { awk '{if(($2>=start_time)&&($2<=end_time)) print $0}' start_time=$ago_time end_time=$cur_time $error_log | \ grep error | \ awk -F, '{print $5}'| \ awk -F':|/' '{if($1 ~ /upstream/)printf "%s:%s %s\n",$5,$6,$7}' |\ awk 'BEGIN{print "host:port service_name error_count"}{host_port[$1]=$1;service[$1]=$2;cnt[$1]+=1} \ END{for(i in host_port) print host_port[i],service[i],cnt[i]}' >$temp_file } send_notification() { line=`wc -l $temp_file |awk '{print $1}'` if [ $line -gt 1 ] ; then cat $temp_file |mail -s "Some Service Maybe down,Please check now!" $reciever fi } check_everything && \ get_minutes $@ && \ get_error_upstream &&\ send_notification &&\ cat $temp_file